This page contains the concepts or code that most major libraries doesn’t provide by default.

.NET 6+

Alias for DI.

  • .NET 6 doesn’t have the proper alaising concept in the DI. So we can implement a Factory Pattern and solve this.

public interface IDBContext 
    string Source {get;}

    Database Database {get;}

public interface IDBContextFactory
    IDBContext GetDBContext(string source); // you can use a enum too here.

public class DBContextFactory : IDBContextFactory
    private readonly IEnumerable<IDBContext> _dbContexts;
    public DBContextFactory(IEnumerable<IDBContext> dbContexts)
        _dbContexts = dbContexts;

    public IDBContext GetDBContext(string source)
        return _dbContexts.Where(_=>_.Source == source).FirstOrDefault();

// registations in DI. 

services.AddScoped<IDBContextFactory, DBContextFactory>();
services.AddScoped<IDBContext, CartDBContext>(); // pass source as Cart and hard code that in the implementation
services.AddScoped<IDBContext, OrderDBContext>();  // pass source as Order and hard code that in the implementation
services.AddScoped<IDBContext, LogDBContext>();  // pass source as Log and hard code that in the implementation
services.AddScoped<IDBContext, ProductsDBContext>();  // pass source as Products and hard code that in the implementation

// You can use Enum as well and avoid strings. 

Deployed At05-Oct-2024 01:51 PM +0000
Santosh Jallapuram on Stack Overvflow