I am a Programmer & Solutionist.

Why Me ?

To me, the technology is just a tool to solve the problem. In the generation of Google, Stack Overflow & the AI, writing code is not at all a big deal. Writing the right code is the actual deal.

I am passionate about writing clean code & hate the patch work in anything that I touch.

I am more into performance & debugging. Can get my hands dirty where ever required.

My strong area’s are .NET 8 , C# , API, SQL, MVC, React & WPF

REST API10YC#10YGit10Y.NET10YDependency Injection9Y.NET 4.88YEntity Framework8YSQL8YUnit Of Work8YGitlab8YMVC7YRepository7YJavascript6YWPF5YXAML5YMvvM5YNuget5YBenchmark.NETReact4Y, 6MRedux4Y, 6MHTML4Y, 6MCSS4Y, 6M.NET Core4YBootstrap4YSQLite4YAzure4YType Script3YjQuery3YEF Core3YMSUnit3YxUnit3YMoQ3YAzure Devops3YTeam City2YNode1Y, 4MTFS1Y

Deployed At05-Oct-2024 01:51 PM +0000
Santosh Jallapuram on Stack Overvflow